“A Day Without Fire!”
Shabbos is reiterated and commanded again
as a basic foundation of our relationship with God.
We stop creating. We don't make anything.
We live in a place of just being.
As we light the Shabbat candles
a stillness descends and a peacefulness arrives.
We acknowledge that it is God who runs the world-not us.
We build and work all week and then we stop.
The cycle of building for 6 days followed
by a day of resting creates a rhythm to our lives;
a cycle that is built into the fabric of the world.
In addition, God commands us to not make fire on Shabbat.
We are to exist in Shabbos quietly, humbly, calmly, without anger-
without the fire of anger and discord.
This Shabbat we celebrate the coming of another new month.
The second month of Adar which includes the holiday of Purim.
Shabbat haChodesh- a new beginning.
A time to rejuvenate, recreate, innovate, refresh, renew and
create our own reality.
A time to focus on what we can and want to be.
So, may this Shabbat be a time to focus
on our own individual journeys and
what we want to create and who we want to be.
May we enjoy the rest fully and completely because
of all we have created in the preceding week.
May we live with a desire for a connection to the divine and
with peace and calm in our homes and lives.
Wishing you a Shabbat shalom and a Chodesh Tov