"God is Always Present."
At the burning bush Moses asks God,
"When I come to the children of Israel and say to them,
"The God of your forefathers has sent me to you, and they say to me,
"What is His Name? -" what shall I say to them?" God answers,
"I Shall Be has sent me to you."
"For I shall be with you."
I, says God, will always be with you, in your fiery struggles throughout history,
through persecutions, programs and holocausts, I shall be with you.
I, God, will be holding your hand, always at your side, crying with you,
even in the midst of the harshest of situations.
The Israelites were being introduced to a compassionate and loving God
who is promising to be with them always and
to deliver them from their slavery and bring them to freedom.
God was, is and will be with the Jewish people then and
was, is, and will be with us today.
God reassures us that the promise given to the Israelites applies to us today.
God is saying "I will be with you"
We are created as very finite beings.
When we suffer, we cannot, in our lifetime, know why.
Yet we can have faith that God cries and suffers along with us,
that there are reasons for and meaning in our pain,
that there is a much bigger picture and
that there is so much more to understand.
We yearn to feel God's love and Presence especially when we are hurting.
Knowing that there is meaning and purpose in our lives and
in our suffering is comforting
Knowing there is a bigger picture that we are all a part of is reassuring.
Having an understanding that God is loving and is with us always is comforting
May we all have the ability to feel God’s loving presence.
May we find the strength to withstand all the pain and
struggles that we are faced with.
Shabbat shalom, with love