“In the Blink of an Eye.”
On Seder night we talk and recount God's involvement in our lives,
both as a nation and as individuals.
We talk about how God orchestrated signs, wonders, and miracles
both long ago and also now.
We speak about the supernatural nature of our nation.
Passover is a time for gratitude and thanksgiving,
a time of feeling God carrying and loving us, and a time
filled with inspiration, Divine intervention, and redemptive energy.
On Seder night we eat special foods laden with meaning and significance.
We dress in our finery.
We lean.
We point.
We connect with ourselves through thought, speech and action.
Our whole body is involved in the Seder night experience.
On Passover we are asked to meditate,
to absorb the energy that surrounds us,
to discuss, and
to connect ourselves to God who transcends the physical world.
In Egypt we were unable to think,
drowning in a slave mentality-
not free to imagine a different world,
unable to envision a better future,
just living day to day!
We were freed from bondage swiftly, in
'The blink of an eye.'
We rose 'above' time and nature.
God engineered bringing us out of Egypt
with both open, overt and powerful miracles.
God carried us out of Egypt on “eagles’ wings.”
We recreate that experience of redemption as we recount how God brought us out-
how we were pulled out of slavery, how we were
taken from within the 'womb' of another nation.
Every year we get the gift of being able to tap into
that enormous wellspring of redemptive energy that is most
concentrated at Passover time.
Today, we in our own individual and collective 'Egypt.'
We are in our own place of constraint and limitations,
our own mentality of enslavement to laziness, arrogance, low self-esteem, anger, impulsiveness, fearfulness, resentment, jealousy.
In addition, like our ancestors, we are also awaiting an unknown future.
We are also anxious and fearful about what
will happen next.
Can we envision a different future?
speak about what we want for ourselves and others?
pray for healing and strength and courage and love?
leap over our own personal Egypt and become free
in thought, in speech and in actions?
Passover teaches us that God will help us.
May we be able to harness
the energy that exists now and,
like our ancestors,
continue to believe,
to never give up hope, and
to be redeemed from
all the things that hold us back and prevent us from being
fully free.
Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom
Sending only love