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"Keep Striving"

Writer's picture: Elissa FelderElissa Felder

"Keep Striving"

We are now beginning the holy month of Elul

A month in which:

'The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants,

and you will love Him with all your heart and all your soul, so that you may live."

A month of "I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me"

A month of immense happiness.

A month of intense love.

Love for who we are and what we can become.

Love for ourselves as children of God.

Love for each other, our brothers and sisters.

Love for God who is always waiting for us and

will always give us another chance to be our best selves.

Elul is a month of gratitude for the opportunity to grow and become.

A month in which we can wipe our slates clean and

go back to the beginning.

A month in which we can be reborn and

go back to the purity of who we are in essence-

back to the clean soul we started life's journey as,

back to the very beginning of our time on earth,

back when we were pure and filled with infinite potential.

Elul is a month to go back to a time when our hearts were open and not blocked.

Back to a time when we believed we could be anything and do everything,

back before there was any negativity,

back to the open smiling, happy essence we once were.

Let's use this time to access that inner child

and believe in ourselves and start over.

Elul is a month of opportunity to expose the good- what's hidden inside and then

actualize all the potential we have to be.

Elul is a refuge in time when God is so close, extra present,

like a king who has left the palace and is walking in the fields.

God is right here walking with us, holding us, leading and loving us.

We are partners with God, Who has great confidence and endless faith in us.

I can choose to use Elul to leave behind those things that constraint me,

to leave the place of complacency and imagine more.

Elul is a time of gratitude,

a time to believe in ourselves,

a time to feel God's love,

a time to know that God wants us to return to our true essence.

Let's not be fearful.

Let's celebrate life.

Let's build and cultivate.

Let's see everyday as an opportunity to work on ourselves.

Let's be the person we have the potential to be,

knowing that God will help us.

Let's fail time and time again yet keep getting up and trying again and again-

always striving, always hopeful,

always optimistic yet never complacent.

Shabbat shalom and Chodesh Tov,

With love


Art by Darius Gilmont

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