In this week’s parsha Moses tells the people,
"Hashem your God shall you fear, to Him shall you cleave...
You shall love Hashem your God” and "Go in His ways.”
In addition, Moses directs them to,
"Cut away the barrier of your heart and no longer stiffen your neck."
We are being asked to fear, love, attach ourselves to God,
go in His ways and unblock the blockages around our hearts.
There is a well-known saying that,
“Words that come from the heart enter the heart.”
“Shema Yisrael- Listen Israel,” -
minimize your egos, peel away the barriers,
and really LISTEN to what the Lord our God asks of us.
" To serve Hashem your God with all your heart and all your soul."
Only when we really listen can we really hear.
I want to understand myself, and I want to understand others.
In relationships where we truly listen and hear,
love can be found.
During our lives we build up walls to protect us from pain.
So many things hold us back, block us and prevent us from
living, from feeling and from emoting fully.
We become scared to open our hearts and
really hear the reality of who we are and who others are.
If we can cut away the things that block us,
we will be able to hear ourselves better,
enabling us to love ourselves, others and God more.
Loving ourselves is a pre-requisite for loving other people and for loving God.
It is hard work,
to love openly, bravely, unconditionally, without any agenda, and
without any expectations.
Moses is suggesting that we should not hide or be ashamed.
We can live without fear.
We can be more vulnerable.
We can be bold and courageous in our relationships.
When we are, our love will be deeper, more authentic,
more genuine and more fulfilling.
Sending much love for a Shabbat shalom,