“May it be so!”
On Passover we began our birth as the nation we were to become.
It is a time of new beginnings.
A time of breaking free from things that constrain/ enslave us.
May we start this new spring-time cycle with a Seder night filled with eating, drinking, storytelling, meditating,
learning, questioning, reciting, chanting, singing,
rejoicing, praying, playing, praising and thanking.
On Seder night a heavenly entourage of angels comes down to listen to us.
May we find ways to meaningfully connect to our own story and that of the Jewish people so that the angels who listen in will be inspired by us.
May we find answers to the many questions we ask.
May our arrogance and inflated egos be burnt up and
silenced so that we live with a healthy sense of self.
May all the broken hearts among us, like the broken matzoh,
be fixed and made whole again.
May all the salty tears there are inside us be shed.
May we all be healed from whatever ails us.
May we know that we are never alone.
On this Pesach may we ride the wave of God lifting us out of our
own personal Egypt and then
may we have the strength, desire and
ability to do the work necessary to stay there,
to stay 'free.'
How fortunate are we to belong to something much bigger than ourselves.
We are members of the amazing nation of Israel.
Let's celebrate and thank God for that and
for the promise of a better future.
May we never lose hope.
May our hearts be open,
may we connect to who we are as Jews,
and as people in a loving relationship with God.
Sending wishes for a meaningful and inspired Passover
I hope it's wonderful for you, wherever you are and
whatever your circumstances.
Chag sameach and Shabbat shalom
Much love