“One Day We Will Be Reunited.”
“You are children to Hashem, your Gd-
you shall not cut yourselves and
you shall not make a bald spot
between your eyes for a dead person."
Don't mourn excessively for those who have deceased,
they have not 'ceased,'
they have merely moved on to the next phase of existence.
What we see with our eyes is an illusion.
Our sight deceives us into believing that everything can be seen,
and that what we see is all that there is.
Moses is telling us to not be deceived
by the limited perception of our eyes.
Our eyesight only sees the physical world.
We are given the free choice to seek out spirituality,
to search for the divine, to look beyond the physical and
to have a consciousness of God today and every day.
We have the freedom to acknowledge that there are worlds in existence,
that we can't experience or understand
while we are limited by and locked into our physical bodies.
Our soul, which is pure energy, comes from the 'world of souls.'
Our body, the home for our soul in this phase of existence,
comes from the earth.
Death is the moment when our soul starts to be released from
and is no longer 'locked' into the body
which has housed it and at the same has limited it.
Our soul in the higher realms can 'know' and 'see'
from one end of the universe to the other.
Our soul never stops existing, never dies, never stops being.
Our soul will one day rejoin with its earthly body in a purified state.
Death is merely a temporary separation,
of the soul from its body and
of living from the dead.
Yes, the grief of loss is real.
Yes, we mourn deeply and deeply for our loved ones
who we can no longer touch.
But know in your heart,
in your soul, in your intellect
that it's not the end of a relationship.
One day we will reunite with all those who have predeceased us.
Shabbat shalom and much love