“Take Stock”
Moses is taking leave of the people that he has led out of Egypt and
brought to the edge of the land of Israel.
He is about to die-
he has lived exactly 120 years and
is now saying his last farewell to his beloved nation.
A people he has been responsible for and shepherded.
Moses was a leader and prophet like no other.
Humble, faithful, loving and fair.
He was a model of faithful leadership and
of devotion to his 'flock'
On this day his work is finished and it's time to leave this world
Time to die by the 'kiss' of God and
for his soul to leave his earthly body and rejoin with his Creator
"Moses died there, in the land of Moav, by the mouth of Hashem."
Should we fear death? Did Moses?
Moses knew that his job was done. It was his time.
We are on the edge of Rosh Hashanah,
of new beginnings.
We don’t know what the year ahead will bring.
Who will be born? Who will die?
Who will succeed? and who will fail in their endeavors?
Our tradition teaches that it's all laid down at this time.
On Rosh Hashanah we recognize
God as our King and our Father at the same time
A transcendent, awe inspiring, far away, lofty King and
also, a close and loving parent.
We are fearful and feel loved at the same time.
We tremble with emotion at the magnitude of our vulnerability and yet
feel safe and protected by God.
We stand all together ready to move into the land.
We are silent and we sing.
We listen and we speak.
May this Shabbat be one in which we join with others.
May it be a Shabbat filled with gratitude,
and love,
and song,
and connection,
and paradoxes.
Shabbat shalom