"The Divine Kiss!”
"Moses went out to meet his father-in-law and
he prostrated himself and he kissed him."
A kiss is an intimate meeting of two people
connecting them both physically and spiritually.
A kiss has the ability to elevate the one being kissed.
So, when Moses kissed his father-in-law,
Yitro became connected to Moses's higher exalted level-
their souls intertwined, and Yitro was raised up.
In the desert:
'God descended upon Mount Sinai to the top of the mountain'
where God kisses and embraces the Jewish people!
This divine kiss sealed our "betrothal" to God-
resulting in our entering into a covenantal relationship with God,
with all its responsibilities and commitments.
A relationship we are still in today- forever "married" to God.
This kiss from God elevated us,
resulting in an overwhelming, unsustainable spiritual experience.
The Jewish people had a collective, massive, transcendent experience,
causing each person's soul to leave their body.
Each person essentially died!
Necessitating in God personally reviving each one of us!
In response, "They (the people) said to Moses,
"You speak to us, and we shall hear; let God not speak to us lest we die."
Each Jew had their own life-changing death experience-
"Do not forget the things which your eyes saw."
Don't forget- remember that first Divine kiss.
God asks us to remember the awe, and the fear
that we experienced at Sinai.
That we should keep the passion and inspiration going-
staying motivated, drawing on the energy and enthusiasm we had then-
holding on to it so that when there aren't big motivational experiences
to inspire us, we will still be zealous and vigorous.
Keeping that first kiss forever etched into our collective consciousness
will help us when we feel alone and abandoned.
My blessing for all of us is that God should bless us with many motivational moments of inspiration and help us to integrate them into our consciousness so that we can live life passionately, purposefully and above all meaningfully.
Shabbat shalom.
Sending love