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"The Power of Vulnerability."

Writer's picture: Elissa FelderElissa Felder

In the beginning "God created beginnings'

"And Gd formed the man of dust from the ground, and

He blew into his nostrils the soul of life

and man became a living being'

Man became a speaking, thinking, independent, free-willed being. 

Hashem then planted this new creature in the Garden of Eden and

proceeded to create a partner from his side,

declaring that it is not good for man to be alone.

Adam and Chava eat from the one tree in the garden

which was forbidden for them to eat from. 

Immediately thereafter they feel their nakedness,

they feel exposed, they feel ashamed. 

They hide, to try to not be seen. 

They cover not just their faces but their whole body in shame. 

"The man and his wife hid from Gd"

They were fearful of exposing themselves and of feeling Gd's disappointment.

They disconnected themselves from Gd and were banished from the garden.

Adam and Chava were scared and ashamed and

so, they attempted to hide not only from Gd but from themselves. 

They denied their wrongdoing and blamed each other.

By not admitting responsibility

there was no possibility for improvement, or for growth.

There was no chance for repentance.

 Adam and Eve were ashamed of the disconnection they had caused. 

This all happened right before the end of the 6th day, right before Shabbat.

If they had held out until Shabbat,

they would have been able to stay in the garden for all eternity. 

Our lives are so full of many ways to distract and 

to hide from our inner selves.

To live authenticity demands self-knowledge and self-love. 

We all deeply yearn to be accepted, seen, loved and wanted and not have to hide.

Perhaps to be authentic is for what we present to the outside

be a consistent reflection of who we are on the inside.

We desire to be loved for who we are. 

Relationships are hard because they demand honesty.

When we are deeply honest with ourselves, we can feel very vulnerable.  

It is scary to be vulnerable and exposed. 

We are fearful of rejection.

In truly loving relationships, we face each other, we don't turn our backs.

We desire to truly love and be loved in return.

God gives us the opportunity to choose life and connection. 

Freely and mindfully may we have the courage and

the loving people to allow us to choose well.

May this Shabbos be the beginning of a new focus or

a refocus as we strive for honesty.

May this be a time to strive to understand ourselves, others and Gd and

thereby reach deeper levels of connection.

May this be a time to trust that in those relationships

we can be authentic, vulnerable and

thereby truly loved!

These relationships are a blessing from Above!

Shabbat shalom and Chag Sameach


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