Don't look at the guru on the mountain top,
look within,
for that is where our precious soul can be found.
Each soul is the breath of God which
God is constantly breathing into us.
This time between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur is a time to
listen to that soul and to our heart.
Our journey gets a fresh start at this time of year.
We are extra focused on getting in tune with
who we are and
what our potential is.
We go step by step,
day by day,
with this being this first day of the rest of our lives!
Now is a time to recognize our inherent holiness and
embrace our goodness.
We have so much to access,
so much to peel back,
so much to open ourselves up to.
Now is a time to cry with raw emotion,
with vulnerability,
with authenticity,
to open ourselves up and
let Godliness shine in and out.
Now is the time to use regret
as a tool for growth.
We have a choice to confess our mistakes,
to say out loud what we did wrong,
to own it,
to regret it and then
leave it behind.
Our mistakes must be acknowledged and owned
in order for them to be
Our mistakes do not define us.
Now is the time to feel with added intensity the importance of our lives.
We each matter.
Now is the time to focus on our own unique soul and its purpose.
Now, in this lifetime, we each have work to do to change the world,
one small kind act at a time.
One small act after another is who we are.
Our choices define us.
May we be able to use this time to be silent,
to do the inner work needed to connect to the Divine and ourselves,
to live more meaningfully and joyously,
and to be more grateful.
Shabbat shalom and good Yom Tov.
Praying that everyone has a meaningful and easy fast,
safe in the knowledge that when the final shofar blasts at the end of Yom Kippur
we are completely cleansed and purified.
Much love